How Do I Exercise with a Toddler?! It's Easier Than You Think

New year, new you, right? Yeah…I tell myself this every year as well. I dedicated Summer 2019 to getting in tip top shape and boy did I ever. After dropping Ava off to daycare, I would come home and knock out an hour long workout to start my day.

However, by the time August rolled around and I had to adjust to working out after work. Not only was it difficult to find the energy to workout after convincing a bunch of middle school aged children they should be interested in the quadratic formula, I also had to keep a clingy toddler entertained while I exercised.

Le sigh.

Working out became almost impossible because I couldn’t keep her off my yoga mat or from trying to roll my weights around on the floor. I knew I had to find a solution and find one fast. And then it hit me. “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” Well, in this case I would allow Ava to join me…in working out. Next stop…Amazon!

It only took a few clicks before I found the cutest kids’ yoga mat and a pair of matching baby dumbbells. I was pleased that despite the items not having Prime 2-day shipping that they both arrived within a few days. How did Ava take to having her own exercise equipment? I think the pictures below say it all…

How Do I Exercise with a Toddler 1.jpg
How Do I Exercise with a Toddler 2.jpg

She enjoys being able to mimic me and the fitness instructor on the television screen. I enjoying being able to get in 30 to 45 minutes of exercise uninterrupted and the fact that I’m instilling in my daughter healthy habits at the same time.

To all my solo parents out there on a budget, take this post as a reminder that you don’t need a gym membership or a babysitter to stay in shape. Don’t let your situation deter you from the life you want. With a little creativity, by the way of Amazon in this case, all of your goals are possible.

