#89: How to Make Cheap Yet Decorative Board Configurations
One of the things I loathe about being a teacher, (and surprisingly there aren't too many), is completing daily board configurations. For those of you not apart of the education realm, board configurations is the daily writing of your lesson plans on your whiteboard or bulletin board.
Supposedly this is to assist students with knowing what do expect in class that day and to establish a classroom routine. Yeahhhhh...sure. Another reason for board configurations is for administration to have a quick rundown of what's going on if they were to pop in for an observation. Either way it's a pain in the butt!
Being that I want to enjoy every bit of teaching, I headed over to no other than Pinterest to see how other (and more creative) teachers complied with this daily task. This is the Pin that caught my attention.
After school that day, I paid a visit to Dollar Tree and Michael's to pick up my supplies:
A simple trimming of the card stock to fit the dimensions of the picture frames and then to hang up my masterpiece inside my classroom...
Only for them to fall off one by one the class period RIGHT BEFORE MY FORMAL OBSERVATION BY MY PRINCIPAL! Bruh!!!
*Le sigh* It's okay. My principal understood my objective despite everything. I had a feeling that the weight of the frames were not fully supported by the thumbtacks I used. Next year I will use heavy duty magnets on the backs of the frames and place them along the right side of my white board to save bulletin board space. Also, I'm thinking to invest in some more quality frames as the ones I purchased from Dollar Tree broke apart quite easily.
All in all, I loved the look and the pops of colors it added to my classroom. This idea was definitely a winner!