#85: The 7-Day Life Cycle of Promoting a Blog Post

As much as I am on social media, I suck big time when it comes to sharing my own content. I feel like I share a link to my latest blog post once and then I never speak of it again. That is not fair to do to myself. Each post takes time from the writing, editing and selecting an image.

By creating a social media content sharing schedule, I give my readers multiple opportunities to read my latest blog post. If they stroll pass the link on Twitter today, they may be more inclined to give it a read if they saw the same post on Instagram two days from now.

After pondering how I could share my content multiple times, I came up with the following social media content sharing schedule:

#85 The 7-Day Life Cycle of Promoting a Blog Post - www.shalandaleigh.com

Day 1: www.shalandaleigh.com, Bloglovin' and Twitter

(Once I publish my post on SquareSpace, approximately 30 minutes later my content is automatically pushed to Bloglovin' and Twitter.)

Day 2: Facebook Page 

Day 3: Instagram

Day 4: Pinterest

Day 5: Personal Facebook Page and Twitter

(Once I share the post via my Facebook status, it is immediately pushed to all my Twitter followers.)

Day 6: Tumblr

Day 7: Google+

I want to have specific days for each social media platform, i.e. every Tuesday I share my latest post to Instagram or every Thursday I share the link on Pinterest. But once I realized that I don't post to the blog on just one day, I predicted things would get quite confusing.

I will give this a two month trial and look for any changes in my Google Analytics (not that I really understand them now, but I plan to learn!).

How do you share your blog content on social media?